IMPORTANT NEWS: New Car for Spring 2021 Series
For the Spring 2021 Series, we're changing cars. The BMW '03 M3's handling issues are simply too great to try to overcome. Yes, it's a spec series, but it's supposed to be a fun spec series. The M3 isn't fun.
For the Spring 2021 Series, we're switching up to the Nissan '07 Fairlady Z Version S (Z33). In bone stock trim the car is wildly forgiving, very neutral, and handles quite well on sport compound tires. It's 310hp means it gets off the corners well, and more importantly, gets to the next corner much more quickly. Plus, the brakes are pretty good for a 3,100lb car!
There is only one downside I see with the Fairlady. The car is ugly. We're not talking a little homely like your step-sister ugly. We're talking dog turd you just found the hard way ugly. (My wife has graciously proof-read the above for me, and offers this: "It looks like a dog turd that's been left out in the rain. But at least it's not a Pacer, or a Pontiac Aztec!") Perhaps I'm being too harsh though. One meaning of the word fair is OK, okay, so-so, or fair-to-middling, so perhaps the name "Fairlady" is marginally descriptive. Certainly less offensive than "ugly b_tch."