TUNING: Tuning is permitted with limitations.
- Weight: Unless specified otherwise in the event supplemental regulations, minimum weight is 3,164lbs (97%). This won't be the minimum weight if the event supps say something different. If the event supps specify a minimum weight, that weight will be the weight for the event. The weight listed here is only valid IF the event supplemental regulations do not specify a different weight. For example, if the event supps say that the Nissan Fairlady Z is the required car for the event, and if the event supplemental regulations don't say anything about a minimun vehicle weight, then the minimum weight is what's listed above, 3,164 lbs (97%). However, if the event supps DO specify a different minimum weight, then the weight listed in the event supps IS the minimum weight for the event.
- Power: Maximum horsepower is 310hp (100%). You may tune your vehicle to a lower power setting if you want.
- Suspension: Free.
- Brake Balance: Free.
- Differential: Free.
- Transmission: Auto-set for 155mph. No tuning of individual ratios beyond the automatically set ratios for 155mph top speed is permitted. Yes, this means that at some tracks you'll never see 6th gear. Get over it. It's the same for everyone, ya freakin' snowflake.